Social activity of a rural woman on the example of the narrative of the forewoman of the Circle of Country Housewives from the Turek poviat




Social activity, social work, local activist, activist, social worker, chairwoman, circle of country housewives, kgw, non-governmental organizations, village.



The aim. Getting to know and social activity of women in a rural non-governmental organization based on the narration of the chairwoman of the Circle of Country Housewives from Turek Poviat.

The methods. The research used the autobiographical narrative interview method.

The results. Circles of Country Housewives to non-governmental organizations that are over 150 years old. The Act of November 9, 2018 on rural housewives' associations regulated the formal and legal aspects of their operation, introduced a number of possibilities and improvements, e.g. full independence, running a business, benefit for subsidies. As a result, many new organizations of this type have been established in Poland. Establishing them was usually a bottom-up initiative of the villagers, and people with authority and leadership skills became active in local communities. One of them is the chairwoman of the circle of rural housewives from the Turek poviat, with whom the researcher is interviewing for her doctoral dissertation. This contemporary activist to a 40-year-old woman, mother, wife, farmer, activist. the most important thing for her is family. In life according to the values and the Catholic Church. She is characterized by a regional identity to the place where she lives and for whom she works. The guiding function added thickness and confidence to it. She feels cooperating with the circles, which he motivates and inspires to act on a daily basis. Activate your free time to activate your social networking site, e.g. through festivals, meetings, workshops and participation in many competitions.

The conclusions. The examined woman promotes her circle at the joint commune, poviat, voivodeship and Polish nationwide through participation in various events and initiatives. Acting as the chairwoman and working for the farmer's housewives' circle is a space for self-development for her. As a leader of the community community, she animates and motivates the activities of the inhabitants of his community.


Keywords. Social activity, social work, local activist, activist, social worker, chairwoman, circle of country housewives, kgw, non-governmental organizations, village.


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Author Biography

Kinga Trzmielewska, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Pedagogiki, ul. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław

Kinga Trzmielewska

She holds a bachelor's degree in security management, a master's degree in internal security and pedagogy, specializing in adult education and social marketing. She also completed postgraduate studies in education management.

The manager and educator of leisure activities for children, animator, local activist in her hometown of Żuki: president of the "Żuki dla przyszłości" association, vice-president of the "Nasze Żuki" country housewives' club . She conducts creative workshops for children in the field of forensics, cryptography, chemistry, animation and handicrafts. She also organizes bicycle rides for the inhabitants of Żuki. She writes scripts for field games.

In her free time, she creates handicrafts, rides a bicycle and writes poetry.

In her research work, he deals with social activity, volunteering, local community, local community animation, social security, safety of local communities, cultural heritage, the history of the KWB Adamów (Brown Coal Mine in Adamów town).


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How to Cite

Trzmielewska, K. 2024. Social activity of a rural woman on the example of the narrative of the forewoman of the Circle of Country Housewives from the Turek poviat. Gardens of Science and Arts. 14, 14 (Aug. 2024), 195–208. DOI: