The education through art and popular culture in Polish language lessons




education, teaching process, popular culture, literature, art, music, teaching Polish


Aim. The aim of the study was to identify and describe the functions which can be performed by the arts (with particular emphasis on music) and popular culture in the process of teaching and advancing the student at every stage of Polish language education. The study drew attention to the benefits of introducing artistic elements into the framework of Polish language lessons. The advantages of a pro-artistic Polish teacher's attitude and all manifestations of his or her expression were also noted.

Method. To achieve the aim of the study, an experiment was carried out on Polish language lessons, non-particpative observation of youth communication in public transport, school and family environments, as well as a philological analysis of literary works such as the Harry Potter cycle by J. K. Rowling, the death trilogy of Suzanne Collins or Macbeth by William Shakespeare. All these methods served as part of the hermeneutic methodology, attempting to describe the problem from the general to the specific. In addition, various teaching problems described in the book Education through Art were referred to (Płońśki, 1965), an attempt was made to argue with them, and they were supplemented with newer insights of researchers and concepts of psychology of cognition according to J. Piaget, L. S. Vygotsky, J. Bruner and the theses formulated by Wincenty Okoń.

Results.  In the process of education, besides teaching content, values, and the acquisition of much grammar material, the teacher's private interests play an important role, which can enrich every, even the most boring, lesson. Passions sometimes help draw students' attention to the method of analyzing and interpreting of the work, and the formulation of thoughts and attitudes towards the text. They also seem to be a catalyst for discovering methods which deepen knowledge, and therefore teach. Thanks to them, the teacher is obliged to improve the teaching methods and to adapt them to the needs of the students. The basic question that interests us is: what is the impact of introducing different types of arts and elements of popular culture on the education process and how to use these elements in Polish language lessons? We also ask what happens to the this material, whether its value is modified, whether new contexts, etc. appear. Does the introduction of the arts affect how the student understands the topic, and if so, in what way? Does this procedure also determine a more effective ability to remember and learn?

Conclusions. Openness to discovering new didactic methods introducing new content should be part of the remit of Polish language teachers. The use of elements of popular culture and various arts in class introduces a friendly atmosphere for both teaching and learning, lessons become more interesting and the teaching process is more effective. The teacher's task is to creatively support and develop the learning process. Such a wealth of lessons seem to be the arts and elements of popular culture, which, through aesthetic experience, affect the process of learning and the development of a young person. Moreover, the information contained in the article can serve as methodical tips for Polish language teachers, especially beginners.


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Author Biographies

Lilianna Marta Wojtkowska, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, pl. Biskupa Nankiera 15b, 50-140 Wrocław

A student of second degree Polish philology and second degree pedagogy at the University of Wrocław. In 2017, she received a bachelor's degree in Polish philology. Scientifically he deals with broadly understood education, literature and popular culture. Thanks to the implementation of teaching specialization and counseling and psycho-pedagogical help, he has the opportunity to broaden his knowledge of didactic and psychological issues.

Paulina Łopatka-Koneczny, University of Wroclaw

Paulina Łopatka-Koneczny is a student of Polish philology and musicology at the University of Wrocław. Her research interests include transdisciplinary issues, ways of interacting with music and language, literary scores and other borderland phenomena. In connection with the teacher's specialization, her scientific predilections concentrate on didactic issues.



How to Cite

Wojtkowska, L.M. and Łopatka-Koneczny, P. 2019. The education through art and popular culture in Polish language lessons. Gardens of Science and Arts. 9, 9 (Aug. 2019), 147–161. DOI: