Jan Švankmajer's Kunstkamer. Everything means everything


  • Anna Maria Brzezińska University of Wrocław, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Slavic Philology, ul. Pocztowa 9 53-313 Wrocław https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2829-4023




Jan Švankmajer, kunstkamera, surrealism, Krzysztof Pomian, semiophores, cabinet of curiosities


Thesis. Jan Švankmajer's Kunstkamera is a project with a complex arrangement of meanings that can not be unambiguously assigned to one category in the context of Krzysztof Pomian's theory of semiophores.

Concepts discussed. The article describes the artistic project of the Czech surrealist Jan Švankmajer in the context of the semiophore theory of Krzysztof Pomian and compares it to its traditional and historical counterparts referring to the concept of micro and macrocosm, the theater of the world, hermetism and alchemy.

Results and conclusions. Jan Švankmajer's Kunstkamer should be analyzed in a context that is not only social, but above all individual and subjective.

Originality/cognitive value of the approach. Krzysztof Pomian described various examples of traditional kunstkamer, while there are several contemporary examples of this type of collection, previously unwritten in Polish publications.


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Author Biography

Anna Maria Brzezińska, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Slavic Philology, ul. Pocztowa 9 53-313 Wrocław

Anna Brzezińska is a PhD student at the University of Wrocław on Faculty of Philology, specializing in czech and literature studies. Received a bachelor degree (pedagogics 2014, czech studies 2016) and master degree (pedagogics 2014, czech studies 2016) at the University of Wrocław. Spent two foreign scholarships: in Prague and one in Olomouc. Active member of the Humanistic Research Center for Mountain Studies on University of Wrocław. She is interested in  Czech visual avantgarde literature in interwar period (especially surrealism), avantgarde typography and graphic design. She is preparing her doctoral dissertation about Czech and Polish concrete poetry on the comparative comparision.



How to Cite

Brzezińska, A.M. 2019. Jan Švankmajer’s Kunstkamer. Everything means everything. Gardens of Science and Arts. 9, 9 (Aug. 2019), 509–517. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15503/onis2019.509.517.