Interest in the dystopic and postapocalyptic text in middle school age


  • Paulina Słoma Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, ul. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland



popkultura, postapokalipsa, dystopia, interpretacja, dydaktyka, współczesność


Aim of research

The aim of the study was to recognize the interests of reading teenagers, which refer to post-apocalyptic and dystopic cultural texts. Starting from the assumptions regarding the popularity of this type of plot (Czaja, Głażewski, Nijaszewski, Polak) through references to issues concerning popular culture and media culture (Wałaszewski, Melosik, Krajewski) and the issue of functioning in contemporary society (Giddens, Appadurai), the author reports and discusses student's indications and reflections collected during the survey. Starting from the theoretical approach to fascination with post-apocalyptic and dystrophic plots, cultural texts have been discussed in terms of their impact on teenage students, the placement of a modern student in convergence culture and the didactic potential of the students' titles.


The main subject of considerations will be the results of a survey conducted among 59 teenage respondents, carried out at the beginning of 2017 during the workshop lessons co-organized by the author. The first part of the survey required students to give titles of post-apocalyptic and dystopic works known to them successively from books, films and computer games as well as the indications of those features that the respondents considered the most interesting. The second part allowed students to present their position on two issues: the reason why they recommend such positions to their peers and the reason why, in their opinion, they should resound as a context during Polish language lessons.


The author, based on students' answers, emphasizes the features of receiving cultural texts by contemporary teenagers. It also draws attention to the issues raised by post-apocalyptic and dystopic literature, which are becoming important for students and also need to be included in subject-based didactics.


The combination of the universal problems of the individual with the danger associated with functioning in the modern world present in this type of literature, allows contextual references, can contribute to discussions and debates in the classroom, also initiates the students' critical interpretation of the text.


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Author Biography

Paulina Słoma, Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, ul. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland

PhD student



How to Cite

Słoma, P. 2018. Interest in the dystopic and postapocalyptic text in middle school age. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 303–316. DOI: