Perception of emotions and interpretation of painting works through audiovisual translation – the role of audio description in the education of blind students
audiodeskrypcja, tłumaczenie audiowizualne, przekład intersemiotyczny, emocje.Abstract
Aim of research. The conducted research oscillates around the audio description for paintings and its emotional content. The starting point for reflections on the audio description is the division made by Roman Jakobson, according to which the audio description can be classified as an intersemiotic type of audiovisual translation. The article gives an outline of audio description in Poland and its general approach in the scientific discourse. Attention is also drawn to two approaches to creating audiovisual descriptions – German (task-oriented and technical) and Polish (artistic and geared to excite the blind visitor). The aim of the research is to show the connection of didactics and the transmission of emotions in audio description and to determine its function.
Methodology. The subject of the research is the publication of Beata Jerzakowska Posłuchać obrazów [Listening to paintings], which includes descriptions for painting works from the core curriculum for junior high and high school students. As part of the article, a qualitative analysis of two descriptions is made in terms of language, para-textual and didactic elements.
Outcomes. Audio description is a message of emotions that helps students develop their sensitivity and learn about new cultural contexts.
Conclusions. Descriptions fulfill an artistic function because they replace the visual layer of the original work. In addition, the audio descriptions studied have an educational function as they complement the literary and linguistic education of students. Another feature of the audio descriptions is their pragmatism – the author of the book deliberately violates the accepted standards for the creation of audio descriptions, adding to the descriptions, among others rhetorical questions, metaphors and synesthesia. In addition, didacticism and an attempt to convey emotions are also visible in the sound layer of the text and in the music incorporated into each of the audio descriptions.
Key words: audio description, audiovisual translation, intersemiotic translation, emotions.
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