Women vs social media - how the Internet affects their lives





women, self-confidence, Internet, social media, self-perception, beauty


Aim. The research, was constructed with women in mind, whether and how social media affects their lives. The aim was to obtain answers regarding which age groups and which people are most frequently affected by the media. It was also important to find out whether and how the effect of the Internet manifests itself in everyday life, and whether and what consequences it has on self-confidence among women.

Methods. An original survey form was created for the study and published on social media. A total of 156 adult women from different age groups took part in the survey. The results of the survey were benchmarked, and individual results were compared using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. In this case, the sampling was randomised.

Results and conclusion. It was possible to confirm all the hypotheses and obtain answers to the research questions posed. The research has made it possible to identify the ways in which social media affect different types of women. According to the results, women over 50 were least likely to feel the negative impact of social media on their lives. This age group was more likely to indicate that they felt confident and rated their appearance higher. A woman who is more likely to feel the negative impact of social media on her life presents herself as insecure and a low opinion of her appearance, both of which may be slightly exacerbated by spending a long time online. The average woman feeling the positive impact of social media was more likely to be confident and rate her appearance higher. This type of woman also showed that prolonged browsing of beauty content may slightly contribute to encouraging self-acceptance.


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Author Biography

Martyna Madej, University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Social Science, Institute of Political Science

She is an MA student of social project management at the University of Wrocław. Triple awarded with the rector’s scholarship for the best students. In her first year, she joined the scientific club at the University of Wrocław. Since that time, she has helped to organize national and international academic conferences. She is a secretary of the national academic conference “Talenty” and the international academic conferences “Education Culture and Society” and "E-methodology", and also a secretary of the “E-methodology” journal. She has got experience in multiple international educational and research projects and in providing workshops.


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How to Cite

Madej, M. 2023. Women vs social media - how the Internet affects their lives. Gardens of Science and Arts. 13, 13 (Aug. 2023), 87–98. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15503/onis2023.87.98.