The importance of selected methods of conservation and restoration of paintings on canvas, and their role in educating conservators of works of art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
conservation, hyperspectral camera, HIROX, der Trecker, modern technologiesAbstract
Aim. The aim of this article is to present the importance of selected methods used in the conservation and restoration of paintings on canvas. The text presents the role of these methods in educating conservators of works of art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Materials and methods. In order to present the characteristics of the education of art conservators, the authors describe the educational process applicable at the Faculty of Conservation, in the Studio of Conservation and Restoration of Painting on Movable Supports II. The article distinguishes the main identification methods and basic assumptions of the conservation methodology, as well as their importance in the didactic process. In addition, the article describes in detail the use of two analytical methods: the hyperspectral camera and the HIROX microscope and the device called der Trecker used to repair canvas supports by students during classes.
Results and conclusion. The article shows that students at the Faculty of the Conservation of Works of Art have an opportunity to get practical and theoretical knowledge about modern analytical equipment and conservation methodology. The selected conservation methods described contribute to the acquisition by students of the ability to use a research apparatus and to apply solutions adequate to the conservation problem.
Cognitive value. The most important cognitive value of the article is the presentation of the conservation of works of art as an interdisciplinary field, and the demonstration of the importance of the research and scientific apparatus in the process of educating students. These theoretical considerations are supported by descriptions of the use of selected methods during the conservation of original paintings.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Joanna Dziduch, Aneta Tkaczyk-Zjawińska, Joanna Czernichowska, Diana Kułakowska, Łukasz Wojtowicz
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