Analysis of literary-musical texts by a University student on the example of the poems by Stanisław Barańczak




philological analysis, musicological analysis, poetry, music, Stanisław Barańczak


Goal of research: to show the ways and possibilities of using various research techniques to analyze and interpret poetic texts including musical elements (references, musical quotes, intertexts)

Methods of research: analysis of scientific texts on  literary-musical compositions. Philological and musicological analysis of poems by Barańczak. Elements of the heuristic method.

Research outcomes: There is very little research connecting musicologist and literature-specialist methods of text analysis. Due to the existence of interdisciplinary and experimental texts the education needs to be interdisciplinary as well. The poems by Stanisław Barańczak (particularly those from the volume Winter Journey ) need to be studied double-sided: musicologically and literature-scientifically, in order to interpret them. When only one of the methods is used, we cannot see a  full picture of the work .

Conclusions: to interpret the poems including musical context properly, interdisciplinary analysis connecting literature-scientific and musicological method is needed.  Unfortunately, there are very few such methods.


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Author Biography

Paulina Łopatka-Koneczny

Paulina Łopatka-Koneczny is a student of musicology and graduate of polish philology at the University of Wrocław. As a scientist she is interested in transdisciplinar factors, ways of mutual influence of music and language, literary scores and other similar phenomenons. With regard to her teacher training specialisation gained along with diploma, her scholary predilections centre around on teaching issues.


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How to Cite

Łopatka-Koneczny, P. 2020. Analysis of literary-musical texts by a University student on the example of the poems by Stanisław Barańczak. Gardens of Science and Arts. 10, (Jul. 2020), 125–141. DOI: