Development of the competences of representatives of different generations in the market of education and training services




generacje, metody nauczania, rozwój kompetencji, pracownicy w organizacji


Aim. The article presents the most important differences between particular generations, their values ​​and expectations related to the workplace. It also describes methods of increasing knowledge, and the latest trends and specific tools which can be used in the education process to make it as efficient as possible.

 Method. For this article, a review of the literature and analysis of selected tools for increasing competences was made from the perspective of their functionality and adequacy for different generations.

 Results. Different generations are diametrically different in a range of values, expectations and life goals, methods of communication or methods of acquiring knowledge about the surrounding world. Therefore, in the education process it is necessary to use tools and methods adapted to representatives of each generation.  The article provides examples of methods and tools which can be a real support in the process of increasing competences.

 Conclusions. A huge challenge faces the education system, both in school and related to the training services market. While traditional forms of teaching were effective in the past, now their potential recipient, living in a completely different social environment, will find them not only unattractive, but also not very effective.


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How to Cite

Gutowska, S. 2019. Development of the competences of representatives of different generations in the market of education and training services. Gardens of Science and Arts. 9, 9 (Aug. 2019), 353–363. DOI: