Changeable pattern of adaptation in relation to the HEXACO personality factors and self-esteem
zmienny wzorzec adaptacji, osobowość, zaburzenie borderline, samoocena, HEXACO, Changeable pattern of adaptation, personality, borderline personality disorder, self-esteem, HEXACOAbstract
Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to determine the connections between the changeable personality pattern, Emotionality, Agreeableness and Self-esteem as personality factors. The “Changeable” personality pattern is an acquired way of adaptation, characterized by high emotional and identity changeability. It is similar to borderline personality disorder, but there is no clinical severity. The participants were 191 adults between the ages of 32 to 58.
Research method. The participants completed the HEXACO-60 Personality Inventory (K. Lee, M.C. Ashton), Self-Esteem Scale (RSES, M. Rosenberg), and Questionnaire Jaka/Jaki Jesteś? [What Are You Like?] (Z. Łoś).
Results. The results showed that the Changeable pattern of adaptation has statistically significant connections with Emotionality (positive), and with Agreeableness, Honesty-Humility, Self-esteem (all negative). There were not any significant connections with Extraversion and Conscientiousness.
Conclusions. The Changeable pattern of adaptation has a set of personality factors suggesting a poor adaptation of people with such personality characteristics. These results can be useful for therapists and social workers. The limitation of the study is the range of age of the subjects (the "emerging" adults were not included).