The role of toys in a child’s life and their significance in the opinion of parents




a toy, a play, development of a child


The aim of investigation.  The paper aims at knowing of opinion of parents about the criteria of the choice of toys for their children. The investigation also touches upon the following issue, i.e. what is the role of  toys (according to their opinion) in the life of their children.

 Methods of investigation. Six parents have been investigated. They had higher education and their financial status was medium. They were not related to each other and they came from six different families which possessed, at least, two children. Children had
a different gender. The in-depth interview technique have been applied to the investigation.

         The results. The data obtained indicate that the parents are particularly guided by five criteria when selecting toys. After generalizing the answers, the results are as follows: firstly, the parents pay attention to the safety of the toy; secondly, the educational and aesthetic values of the toy are also crucial. Other crucial aspects which the parents pay attention to are as follows: price of  the toy  or  toy brand. Opinions of the children also have an influence on the choice of a toy, but the previous criteria must be taken into account, too. The parents claim that toys play a crucial role in their children’s life; they, among other things, have an influence on their social-emotional development, their creativity or their broadly understood education.

         Conclusion. The analysis demonstrates that the parents (who have been investigated) are aware of the big role which toys play in their children’s life. The investigation also reveals that the parents pay attention to mainly on the safety of the toy and also its educational values. Aesthetic values price or toy brand occupy further position when it comes to selecting of
a toy.


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Author Biographies

Małgorzata Tomczyk, Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa ul. Strzegomska 55, 53-611 Wrocław

Doktorantka Wydziału Nauk Pedagogicznych Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej we Wrocławiu, zainteresowania naukowe: rola zabawy i zabawek w życiu dziecka, edukacja, komunikacja w przestrzeni szkolnej.

Artur Aleksandrowicz, Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa ul. Strzegomska 55, 53-611 Wrocław

Doktorant Wydziału Nauk Pedagogicznych Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej we Wrocławiu, zainteresowania naukowe: rola zabawy i zabawek w życiu dziecka, edukacja osób niewidomych.



How to Cite

Tomczyk, M. and Aleksandrowicz, A. 2019. The role of toys in a child’s life and their significance in the opinion of parents. Gardens of Science and Arts. 9, 9 (Aug. 2019), 439–449. DOI: