Are neurotics afraid of jumping? Personality predictors of doing sports


  • Jacek Skorupski-Cymbaluk Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, ul. Dawida 1, 50-527 WROCŁAW, Poland



Sport, Psychologia osobowości, osobowość, Costa, McCrae, big five, Eysenck, PEN, Grey


Thesis. The main goals of the article are to collect and describe knowledge about personality psychology in sport and proposition of usage this knowledge in new, progressive ways

Discussed concepts. Author reffered to Eysencks’ PEN, Costa’s and McCrae’s NEOAC, Cattell’s 16FP and Grey’s models of personality, and also to the articles which describes relations between personality and predispositions and performance in sports. Arguments, that people who have specific constellation of personality factors and traits may require specific metods were proposed.
Because of the specific configuration of the personality traits, people responds specifically on the stimulus: Neurotics  reacts strongly for the fear of punishment and their behaviour focuses on avoiding it, while extraverts are driven by the need for accomplishments. Neurotics have higher level of anxiety and less toleration of pain.
Autor suggest that this knowledge should be used in the work of sport trainers.

Conclussions. Modern psychology of sport often does not derive from other branches of psychology (for example, personality psychology). Science lacks of research which would allow to control the impact of personality traits and facets on how people do sports, especially amateurs.


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Author Biography

Jacek Skorupski-Cymbaluk, Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, ul. Dawida 1, 50-527 WROCŁAW, Poland



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How to Cite

Skorupski-Cymbaluk, J. 2018. Are neurotics afraid of jumping? Personality predictors of doing sports. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 453–458. DOI: