Career counselling in the period of the early adulthood


  • Agata Natalia Chmielarz University of Wrocław, Institute of Pedagogy, ul. Dawida 1/3, Wrocław, Poland



career counselling, life design, lifelong counselling, early adulthood, emerging adulthood, young adulthood


Thesis: Carrer counseling in the period of the early adulthood should include the specification of this period, which results from the both theory of development psychology and the influence of the modern world.

Discussed topics: In the article I discussed conceptions of early and emerging adulthood. Moreover, I talked about lifelong counseling, carrer counseling, counseling in the post-modernism and in the socjety of risk and conception of life design.

Results and conclussions: The main conclussion of the article is the need of adjusting carrer counseling, so it could become more successful and fitting for this specific age group. The next conclussion is the real influence of the social conditions on the carrer counseling.
The Cognitive value: The article could be an input for the more advanced and deeper discussions and researches about the conditions of the carrer counseling for the young adults.


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Author Biography

Agata Natalia Chmielarz, University of Wrocław, Institute of Pedagogy, ul. Dawida 1/3, Wrocław, Poland



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How to Cite

Chmielarz, A.N. 2018. Career counselling in the period of the early adulthood. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 256–262. DOI: