Own Interdisciplinary Method of Education by Art as an Answer to New Trends of European Education and to Problems of Polish Cultural Education


  • Małgorzata Minchberg Academy of Special Education, ul. Szczęśliwicka 40, 02-353 Warszawa, Poland




edukacja przez sztukę, edukacja kulturalna, reforma edukacji, krytyka, stan edukacji artystycznej, postawa twórcza, twórczość, metoda, STEAM, konektywizm.



In new education with a help of art and the experience displace the lerning by remembering. Own Interdisciplinary Method of Education by Art is good example for that.

Discussed concepts

The art is very important issue for education today, which is discussed widely by scientists and researchers and is called them by English acronim -  STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), which is followed by new education model - connectivism.

Results and conclusions

If the way of success, instead the state of possession and production, is the creation of ideas, we should rebuilt methods of education and recover important state for cultural education and for emotional subjects, which care about our  dower creative behavior. Reccommendations of European Commission say that all countries of Europe should include these ideas, but in Poland these indications are written, but not implemented in life. Fortunately, the including art education finds its position in activities lead people of culture and education (teachers, artists, animators).


I have carried out many projects that popularize science in the context of art. These projects combined the various branches of science, art, society and community groups. The more distant these connections were, the more educational effects became spectacular. The proven linking factor turned out to be art. Athletes run to the Zacheta National Gallery to experience the art of modern day football. Dancers in the halls of the National Museum  in works of art sought a rhythm that was identical to the rhythm of music. Physicists dealt with color theory to revisit the optics through the prism of impressionist art. Many years of experience as an art educator allowed me to formulate my own Interdisciplinary Method of Education by Art, which follows new trends of European education and is an answer to problems of Polish cultural education, which will be found in this article.

Key words: education by art, cultural education, criticism, state of art education, creative attitude, creativity, method of education, STEAM, connectivism.


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Author Biography

Małgorzata Minchberg, Academy of Special Education, ul. Szczęśliwicka 40, 02-353 Warszawa, Poland



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How to Cite

Minchberg, M. 2018. Own Interdisciplinary Method of Education by Art as an Answer to New Trends of European Education and to Problems of Polish Cultural Education. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 192–204. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15503/onis2018.192.204.