Krajobraz emocjonalny uczniów języka obcego: badanie emocjonalności i różnorodności pojawiania się emocji na zajęciach językowych
doświadczenia emocjonalne, środowisko uczenia się drugiego języka, dobrostan emocjonalny, zakres emocjiAbstract
Aims of the research: The main objective of this study is to investigate the emotional experience of learners in a second language learning environment. This study also examines the extent to which second language learners prioritise their emotional well-being.
Methods: To achieve these objectives, a mixed methods design is used, including questionnaires, interviews and focus groups to collect data from the second language learner population.
Study results: Examining students’ awareness based on emotions they experienced during language learning revealed a range of feelings students experienced during their learning, including the strongest emotions experienced during a certain activity. Furthermore, the study highlighted the importance of fostering emotional resilience and self-management strategies to address the unique emotional challenges second language learners face.
Conclusion: It is important for teachers to recognise the importance of fostering emotional resilience and self-care strategies in students to help them cope effectively with language learning challenges. The implications of this research for teachers are considerable, providing valuable insights into the importance of addressing emotional well-being in a second language learning environment.
Key words: emotional experiences, second language learning environment, emotional well-being, scope of emotions
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