Prejudice towards gays and lesbians and normative masculinity and the threat to masculinity


  • Jakub Jędrusiak University of Wrocław
  • Julia Kotas University of Wrocław
  • Michał Małyszek University of Wrocław
  • Michalina Wawrzyniak University of Wrocław



homophobia, male role norm, Precarious Manhood Theory, manhood threatening


Aim. The aim of the experiment was to check how the threat to masculinity (i.e., information that a male participant is not masculine enough) influences homophobia in men, depending on their level of normative masculinity (i.e. restrictiveness of the rules which – in the participant’s opinion – should be followed by a real man).

Methods. For the measurement of male role norm levels, a Polish translation of Male Role Norm Inventory – Revised (MRNI-R) was used. Homophobia was measured through levels of acceptance for pictures displaying same-sex couples (both female and male). Masculinity challenging  was conducted with a feedback message masculinity ”Your masculinity is well below average”.

Results. N=96 men between the ages of 18 and 30 years took part in the study, ne=55 in the experimental group and nc=41 in the control group. Masculinity challenging  did not have any influence over gay homophobia, but it caused the differences between men with high and low normative masculinity levels to dissipate.

Results. The study has shown that a positive attitude toward lesbians can help to compensate the challenged masculinity (it is considered masculine). Participant’s attitude toward gays can be considered fixed and thus less prone to manipulation than their attitude toward lesbians.


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How to Cite

Jędrusiak, J., Kotas, J., Małyszek, M. and Wawrzyniak, M. 2023. Prejudice towards gays and lesbians and normative masculinity and the threat to masculinity. Gardens of Science and Arts. 13, 13 (Aug. 2023), 60–75. DOI: