Pink dolls and blue cars. Marketing and the formation of gender stereotypes
a toy, a play, development of a child, gender stereotypes, stereotype, children's marketingAbstract
Aim. The aim was to explore the area related to the formation and shaping of gender stereotypes through the advertising and marketing of toys.
Methods. Based on a review of previous research and literature, and an analysis of toy store websites and video advertisements, it can be seen that the choice of toys by children and adults, as well as the marketing activities of toy manufacturers, are more or less gender stereotyped. Although this area is very complex, based on the available research and the examples presented in this article we can see some trends regarding the type and color of toys in relation to the biological sex of the target group. The symbolism and descriptions of these toys also often differ in their advertisements, depending on the gender of target group.
Results. The studies conducted so far indicate that there may be a positive relationship between the use of certain types of toys and the formation of gender stereotypes. While the issue under examination is highly complex, discernible patterns can be seen concerning the type, color, and intended use of toys with respect to a particular biological sex. The symbolism and terminology employed in advertising and describing these toys also frequently differ depending on the gender of the toy's intended recipient.
Conclusions. Over time, children begin to replicate these stereotypes, which may shape their views on gender roles. The choice of toys can create certain mental schemas and ways of perceiving the world. These schemas are often shaped by adults - particularly parents and also by media such as advertisements, movies, cartoons, games, or the Internet. Their influence can lead a child to either openness or closure towards diversity. By observing both the positive and negative consequences of the existence of gender stereotypes, it can be concluded that this topic should be approached with caution. Learning different skills can make children more experienced and better prepared for specific jobs, fields, and future roles. Limiting children
to playing only with certain categories of toys may, however, narrow down their professional interests or contribute to the replication of stereotypes regarding, for example, the division of household duties or other areas of life.
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