
  • Natalia Serwan
  • Martyna Gdowska
  • Magdalena Matusiak
  • Julia Raywer
  • Anna Wojtkowska



COVID-19, students, negative emotions, stress, e-learning


Aim. The aim of this study was to determine changes in the subjective assessment of selected affective states among students, as a result of providing them with two different information about the date of leaving e-learning and returning to the full-time study mode.

Method. On the basis of the questionnaires filled in by students, the intensity of the declared negative affect and stress was measured. They also included a false statement of the Ministry of Education regarding the alleged return to the university or its absence. The study was conducted in an experimental model.

Results. After the first semester of e-learning, neither its continuation nor return to full-time education did not generate a clear emotional response from students, which would prove the objective rightness of one of the possible choices, however, the results indicate that due to the information on returning to full-time teaching helplessness decreased and anxiety increased.

Conclusions.The results encourage the continuation of research on the perception of distance learning as an effective way of protecting students from the negative effects of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Serwan, N., Gdowska, M. , Matusiak, M., Raywer, J. and Wojtkowska, A. 2021. THE IMPACT OF GIVEN INFORMATION ABOUT THE PLANNED FORM OF EDUCATION ON STRESS AND NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS. Gardens of Science and Arts. 11, 11 (Aug. 2021), 30–42. DOI: