Current intercultural education in the era of contemporary migration
edukacja międzykulturowa, migracjeAbstract
Aim. The history of our planet has always been characterized by migration and population movements. This has led to continuous contact and interaction between cultures, but today more than ever people are closely connected through a relationship of interdependence. The aim of the article is to show how important intercultural education based on mutual dialogue and respect for human rights are.
Method. The subject of the research is human migration written in the annals of humanity from its beginnings. It is, therefore, the most natural phenomenon, although currently it arouses much controversy. Therefore, a presentation of migratory movements over the centuries, an analysis of different possible attitudes towards “the other”, based on the literature of the subject as well as the author’s empirical experiences in Italy, and a conviction of the necessity to introduce broadly defined intercultural education, constitute an interdisciplinary methodological approach.
Results. The increasing presence of immigrants in European cities determines the need of the everyday confrontation with various languages, religions and cultures. In this situation, only well-conducted intercultural education can bring the expected results of creating harmoniously functioning multi-cultural communities, aware of their cultural richness, and not characterized by reciprocated hostility and lack of understanding.
Conclusions. In contemporary societies, so full of tensions and conflicts, it is necessary to educate in with regards to “otherness”, in dialogue and confrontation. The interpenetration of different cultures carries new knowledge, new values and competences. It is important to realize that our cultural model is neither the only one, nor universal, nor the only correct one.