Mission, vision and goals of the economic university
mission, university, management, third university missionAbstract
Argument. Difficulties in defining the holistic mission of the university make it necessary to systematize the university's third mission.
The concepts discussed. The mission of economic universities in Poland has been analyzed: the Warsaw School of Economics, the University of Economics in Poznan, the University of Economics in Wroclaw, the University of Economics in Katowice, the University of Ecoethics in Krakow.
Results and conclusions. Universities clearly define the mission related to research and education as well as the profile of your unit - this response to the changing external conditions and expectations of stakeholders in the form of the third mission has not been fully captured.
Originality / cognitive value of the approach. In Poland, the subject of the third mission of the university is not fully explored, and the analysis of the mission of economic universities is an original attempt to investigate this problem in the academic environment.
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