The Sorbian language in the education systems of Brandenburg and Sachsen – the (in)frequent use of Sorbian in education as a factor shaping the situation of the language over the last 200 years


  • Paweł Tuz Facultu of Philology, University of Szczecin, Al. Piastów 40B 71-065 Szczecin, Poland



Sorbian, language planning, minority languages, education, language policy



Thesis: 1) The situation of the Sorbian language in the educational systems of Brandenburg and Sachsen has generally been poor over the last 200 years. 2) The insufficient presence of the Sorbian language in education has negatively influenced the overall situation of the said language.


Discussed concepts: This paper is based on the sociolinguistic notions of language planning, status planning and acquisition planning, as defined by Robert L. Cooper (1989). While analysing the evolving position of Sorbian in education, the author examines decisions of German authorities and actions taken by the Sorbian national movement; they are presented as conscious efforts intended to limit or to promote the use of Sorbian, not only in education, but also in other domains of social life.

Results and conclusions: The results confirm the preliminary hypothesis about the poor status of Sorbian in education over the last 200 years. Despite some positive actions taken in 1950s, one has failed to reverse the damage inflicted earlier by deliberate imposition of the German language. The hypothesis, that the insufficient presence of Sorbian in education had an adverse effect on the overall situation of the language has also been confirmed, but only partly, as other equally important factors leading to the decline of Sorbian have also been found.

Originality/Cognitive (educational) value:

This analysis may be useful as the summary of research conducted so far in the field of Sorbian, as popularization of knowledge about minority languages and as an inspiration for more detailed empirical research on the situation of the Sorbian language.



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Author Biography

Paweł Tuz, Facultu of Philology, University of Szczecin, Al. Piastów 40B 71-065 Szczecin, Poland

PhD student



How to Cite

Tuz, P. 2018. The Sorbian language in the education systems of Brandenburg and Sachsen – the (in)frequent use of Sorbian in education as a factor shaping the situation of the language over the last 200 years. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 476–490. DOI: