Author's biography as a school of creative activity. An example of Wisława Szymborska's biography and body of work


  • Zuzanna Czechowska University of Adam Mickiewicz, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 61-712 Poznań, Poland



Wisława Szymborska, biography, creativity, Polish language education


Thesis. The paper is based on the assumption that by incorporating though out and appropriately planned discussions of writers’ biographies during Polish language lessons creative attitudes in students can be developed, and they may be inspired to generate their own texts of culture.

Conceptual discussion. The paper is based on the findings of the researchers from such fields as psychology and creative pedagogy. The concepts which play an important role in developing creative attitudes in children and teenagers are discussed. Special attention is given to creative education of the Polish language and the connection between discussing authors’ biographies and the support of non-schematic thinking (first understanding of creativity) and the generation of works (second approach).

Findings and conclusions. The Polish language teacher who is aware of educational values which may come from discussing biographies during lessons, may as well resign from motivating students to adapt knowledge about the events in author’s life and the important dates in their biographies. Instead, the teacher may support creative attitudes in students and inspire them to act creatively familiarizing them with the phases of creative process and the author’s portrait, i.e.: their interests, features of character, strengths and weaknesses. In other words, the teacher may show a human who is not perfect and genius, but who achieved a lot through their difficult journey full of failures and hard work.

Originality/research value of the approach. The paper deals with an issue of discussing biographies during Polish language lessons - one of the dominant activities the teacher of the subject needs to address. It is stressed that biographical notes in handbooks present low educational and didactic values. Presenting proposed activities which could treat biographies in a different way seems innovative and important for Polish language didactics.



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Author Biography

Zuzanna Czechowska, University of Adam Mickiewicz, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 61-712 Poznań, Poland

PhD student


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How to Cite

Czechowska, Z. 2018. Author’s biography as a school of creative activity. An example of Wisława Szymborska’s biography and body of work. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 247–255. DOI: