Who am I, where am I going? The relationship between spiritual sensitivity and self-concept clarity among emerging adults


  • Jakub Krasucki Instytut Psychologii, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski ul. J. Wł. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław




self-concept clarity, spiritual sensitivity, uncertainty-identity theory, emerging adulthood


Aim. The major objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-concept clarity and spirituality.

Theoretical background. The aim of the paper is to provide a new conceptual theoretical framework based on uncertainty-identity theory.

Methods. Data was collected via an online survey format using Microsoft Forms. A short version of the Spiritual Sensitivity Inventory (SSI) and the Polish adaptation of the Self-Concept Clarity Scale (SCCS) were used to measure the variables. Participants were so-called „young adults” (N = 536; 62% women) in the stage of emerging adulthood (18–25 years old).

Results. A Pearson correlation analysis was conducted in order to assess the strength of the relationship between self-concept clarity and spiritual sensitivity. A positive correlation was found between self-concept clarity and spiritual sensitivity (r = 0.23; p < 0.001).

Conclusions. The study highlights the importance of the link between spirituality and the self. Implications, limitations and outlooks are discussed.

Keywords: self-concept clarity, spiritual sensitivity, uncertainty-identity theory, emerging adulthood


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Author Biography

Jakub Krasucki, Instytut Psychologii, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski ul. J. Wł. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław

Student V roku psychologii na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim. Obszar jego zainteresowań stanowią psychologia osobowości oraz psychologia ewolucyjna. 


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How to Cite

Krasucki, J. 2024. Who am I, where am I going? The relationship between spiritual sensitivity and self-concept clarity among emerging adults. Gardens of Science and Arts. 14, 14 (Aug. 2024), 17–34. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15503/onis2024.17.34.