Subjectively defining the concept of rationality in relation to selected aspects of decision-making


  • Paweł Schoepp SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Wydział Psychologii we Wrocławiu, Ostrowskiego 30B, 53-238 Wrocław



rationality, altruism, dictator game, maximization


Aim. The aim of this study was to check whether the way of interpreting rationality

by the research subjects is associated with their economic decisions and tendencies to maximize.

Materials and method. A study was carried out on 204 people, mainly of student age, with the use of the created definitions of rationality, two variants of the dictator game and the Maximization Scale, using the Qualtrics platform.

Results. The most important results suggest that the understanding of rationality is related to the amount of offers made in the dictator games — the relationship is positive for the philosophical definition, and negative for the economic one. At the same time, the results on the Maximization Scale showed (partially) significant relationships with the offers made in the dictator game. The respondents who preferred the economic definition of rationality, were male, achieved a high level on the Maximization Scale and studied economics, and had the greatest tendency to submit lower offers in the dictator game.

Conclusions. The study shows that the way rationality is defined and understood can be significantly related to how a person manages money — whether they are driven by pro-socially oriented preferences, or whether their choices are more selfish. Continuing these considerations in theory and practice may contribute to the development and updating of fundamental terms (and the positions taken on them) in psychology, philosophy and economics.


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Author Biography

Paweł Schoepp, SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Wydział Psychologii we Wrocławiu, Ostrowskiego 30B, 53-238 Wrocław

Paweł Schoepp - student psychologii ze specjalnością biznesową na Uniwersytecie SWPS we Wrocławiu. Moje naukowe zainteresowania to psychologia ekonomiczna i podejmowania decyzji, filozofia oraz ekonomia behawioralna. W wolnym czasie gram na gitarze, uprawiam sport i piszę artykuły.


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How to Cite

Schoepp, P. 2022. Subjectively defining the concept of rationality in relation to selected aspects of decision-making. Gardens of Science and Arts. 12, 12 (Aug. 2022), 120–134. DOI: