Gifted but gay. Influence of information about sexual competence and orientation on the preferences of the superior
homosexuality, gay, chief, homosexual men, boss preferenceAbstract
Research goal. The main goal of the research was to verify if the information about sexual orientation has an impact on the preference of the potential superior. Candidate’s competency and survey participant’s gender were also taken into account as an variable.
Method. 160 people took part in the research in the age range 18-35, including 80 women and 80 men. Attitude towards presented man was measured by auctorial questionnaire, using survey method.
Results. Basing on the results of research on homosexual men in company, homophobic attitude towards them is presented mostly by heterosexual men. Women tend to stay neutral to their potential chief’s sexual orientation.
Conclusion. Homosexual men are discriminated at work based on their orientation by over men, disregarding their competences. On the other hand, women treat men equally, regardless of their orientation.
Key words: homosexuality, gay, chief, homosexual men, boss preference
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Copyright (c) 2021 Szymon Błaszczyk, Karolina Andrzejewska, Patrycja Demichowicz, Pamela Zuchowicz
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