

  • Grzegorz Koprukowiak




Piłka nożna, trener, pedagogika sportu


In modern society, there are deepening changes in the way people function in various living spaces, the source of which is the progressive development of civilization, influencing the character and specificity of generations. Among the spaces where these changes are noticeable, one can distinguish the contemporary nature of paid work, conditioned by civilization and economic changes, which in turn also translates into the aspect of personal life. In the light of these changes, the aspect of participation in physical culture gains a completely new meaning, which is now becoming mainly one of the methods of active recreation for adults. In addition to a large group of society practicing its various forms as part of spending free time, a group of children and adolescents can be distinguished, among whom sport becomes a form of pursuing dreams of a future professional career in line with its leading football authorities. These aspirations constitute a long path in which the young competitor, apart from improving his sports skills, participates in the selection process that allows him to distinguish from among competitors, especially talented individuals with exceptional predispositions for professional sports. The process of educating the sports skills of a young player is also a pedagogical process in which the trainer has a special mission. Therefore, the aim of the research is to present its role in the educational process.

These considerations are based on a review of the available scientific literature in the field of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of physical culture, with the use of scientific achievements in the field of sports theory. The considerations take place in the key to presenting the social background characteristic of the present times, in which it is part of the specificity of the profession of a professional football player and the challenges facing the environment, aimed at proper preparation for professional sport. The next point in the publication will be the presentation of the process of maturing a young player to practice the discipline professionally.

The role of a modern trainer, he becomes a educator, mentor and guardian will be clearly noticed on the way of growing towards a career, but also towards developing good attitudes in a young player as a person.

The presented research leads to the conclusion that the competences of a modern trainer significantly go beyond the purely sports function. The trainer, apart from the competences closely related to work on the pitch, should demonstrate a number of soft skills - knowledge of the basics of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology, which will enable him to better understand the environment of his charges. As a result, it becomes possible to build the attitude of a leader, authority and shaping appropriate attitudes in young players.


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Badania CBOS:

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Publikacje internetowe:

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How to Cite

Koprukowiak, G. 2021. Polski. Gardens of Science and Arts. 11, 11 (Aug. 2021), 15–29. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15503/onis2021.15.29.