Intergenerational Perceptions of Young Adults and Seniors


  • Anna Kostrzewa
  • Julia Skrobek Instytut Psychologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 50-527 Wrocław, Polska



dialog międzypokoleniowy, seniorzy, młodzi dorośli, postawy, intergenerational dialogue, seniors, young adults, attitudes


The aim of the work was to check the attitude of young adults and seniors towards each other and how they perceive their own groups.
The study involved 54 people, 27 young adults and 27 seniors. Age of respondents: young adults 20-30 years old (M=22.41; SD=2.39), seniors: 60-79 years old (M=67.48; SD=4.77). The questionnaire survey method was used. The disposable optimism was measured using the Life Orientation Test - LOT -R. In order to measure how people characterise themselves and describe others, two authors' questionnaires were created, in which the respondents answered 32 positions in each test. In the first one, it was necessary to refer to the description of self characterisation, and in the second one to the description of other people. In this case, young people were supposed to describe the senior group, while seniors - the young generation.

Based on the results of the research on the description of seniority by young people and young people by seniors, it appears that the senior group evaluates young adults higher than young adults evaluate seniors. Young adults rate themselves higher than seniors. On the other hand, young adults having
grandparents and having good contact with them rated seniors higher.


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How to Cite

Kostrzewa, A. and Skrobek, J. 2020. Intergenerational Perceptions of Young Adults and Seniors . Gardens of Science and Arts. 10, (Jul. 2020), 71–79. DOI:

