Country of a triple catastrophe - Katarzyna Bona's Ganbare! Workshops on dying


  • Barbara Jelonek Uniwersytet Wrocławski


ganbare, Japonia, Katarzyna Boni, Fukushima, TEPCO, tsunami, trzęsienie ziemi


The article presents informations of japanese triple natural disaster  2011 and review elements of the book written by Catherine Boni "Ganbare! Warsztaty umierania" which is the latest publication in Poland deals with direct eyewitnesses of these events.


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Author Biography

Barbara Jelonek, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

PhD student and lecturer at the University of Wrocław


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How to Cite

Jelonek, B. 2017. Country of a triple catastrophe - Katarzyna Bona’s Ganbare! Workshops on dying. Gardens of Science and Arts. 7, 7 (Jul. 2017), 49–54.