Systematic literature review: What is and how diff ers from other reviews
przegląd literatury, systematyczny przegląd badań, tradycyjny przegląd badań, metaanaliza, typologia przeglądów literaturyAbstract
Thesis: Despite rapid progress in the fi eld of systematic methods of scientifi c evidence
management, knowledge of what is the systematic review of the literature and
what we can use it for is not yet widespread in Poland.
Discussed concepts: In this article we discuss what is a systematic review and
what goals it realizes. We point out to the diff erences between systematic review and
other methods. We also describe a typology of literature reviews discussing the location
of systematic review in this typology. We also describe the advantages and limitations
of the method of systematic review.
Results and conclusions: A systematic review of the literature is a method of integrating
the scientifi c evidence, which uses explicit methods for the identifi cation, selection,
critical evaluation and analysis of data from relevant studies qualifi ed for the review.
This method complements the limitations of traditional reviews based on unsystematic
and implicit techniques of collection and compilation of studies, allowing demonstrations
of reliable and credible scientifi c evidence in an objective manner.
Originality: Article integrates actual knowledge about systematic reviews, allowing
for recognition of their qualities and application. It can be a useful tool for scientists
and for stake holders seeking answers to specifi c questions when disseminating
results of scientifi c research.