The realisation of health education objectives in primary schools - an analysis of the documentation of the school's work


  • Barbara Ewa Kołecka Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, ul. Licealna 9, 65-417 Zielona Góra


edukacja zdrowotna, podstawa programowa, przedmiotowe plany nauczania


Purpose of research. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between theoretical assumptions and the implementation of health education at the elementary school level.
Method of research. The study used a data collection method based on secondary sources (Rubacha, 2011). Analysis concerned the procedures for implementation of health education that were included in the teachers’ work plans (English, nature studies, physical education, upbringing in the family), based on the guidelines included in the core curricula of pre-school education and general education in particular types of schools (Journal of Laws 2014, item 803).

Results. In the course of the analysis of the documentation it was stated that the didactic plans contain the objectives, tasks and content of health education. In the first stage of education, the content of health education is implemented in a spiral system, which means that students in the following years gradually enrich and deepen their competence (Celarek, Dąbrowski, Jankowski, 1999). In grades 4-6 diff erences were
found in terms of the assumptions contained in the curriculum and the curricula of the following subjects: nature studies and upbringing in the family. In grades 5 and 6, the work plans for the subject of nature studies have shown no continuation of the spiral implementation of the content of health and health care in grades 5 and 6. In classes 5 and 6 students are not equipped with knowledge about the biology of human
development (pregnancy, childbirth).
Conclusions.1. This documentary analysis locates the content of health education indicated by the core curriculum in the holistic health concept.2. The content of health education is implemented at both stages of education in the subjects identifi ed by the core curriculum.3. The teachers’ work plans contained the content of health education included in the curriculum.


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Author Biography

Barbara Ewa Kołecka, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, ul. Licealna 9, 65-417 Zielona Góra

PhD student



How to Cite

Kołecka, B.E. 2017. The realisation of health education objectives in primary schools - an analysis of the documentation of the school’s work. Gardens of Science and Arts. 7, 7 (Jul. 2017), 249–267.