Exploration and furtherance of mathematical talents among pupils


  • Tomasz Wojciech Szwed Uniwersytet Opolski ul. Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole


zdolności matematyczne, standardy pracy z uczniem zdolnym, identyfikacja uzdolnień, organizacje pozarządowe, rola nauczyciela, szkolny system wspierania zdolności


1. Thesis. It is diffi cult to discover the pupil’s mathematical skills. It is even more
diffi cult to foster his/her mathematical talent. The teacher needs knowledge, experience
and readiness to solve various problems, including pedagogic ones. The Polish
educational system has worked out quite effi cient mechanisms of pupils’ mathematical
skills management.
2. Discussed conceptions. The article describes the structure and features of pupils’
mathematical skills and the methods of their identifi cation. The signifi cant role
of maths teacher in the development of mathematical skills is also indicated. One describes
the standards of education of mathematically gift ed pupils proposed by Jerzy
Janowicz. In conclusion the variety of school and out-of-school forms of educational
activities, also with reference to specifi c non-governmental organizations, is shown.
3. Results and conclusions.In Poland many positive activities for the benefi t of discovering
and development of mathematically gift ed pupils are undertaken. A signifi -
cant role is played by schools as well as by non-governmental organizations that operate
in the area of mathematical education. However, research is still needed to be carried out
and the results of the already existing research should be publicized among the teachers.

4. The originality/cognitive value of the att itude. The author made a review of the
most signifi cant issues connected with discovering and development of mathematically
gift ed pupils. He enumerated specifi c Polish non-governmental organizations and
indicated their actions that give rational educational results. He discussed pedagogic
issues connected with the work of a maths teacher in the area of mathematical skills.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Wojciech Szwed, Uniwersytet Opolski ul. Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole

teacher and PhD student



How to Cite

Szwed, T.W. 2017. Exploration and furtherance of mathematical talents among pupils. Gardens of Science and Arts. 7, 7 (Jul. 2017), 168–178.