The power of literary award. Prix Goncourt and fi eld of education


  • Alicja Maria Chwieduk Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Ponznaiu, Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej


nagroda literacka, Prix Goncourt, Akademia Goncourtów, władza symboliczna, przemoc symboliczna, pole edukacji, dyskurs, Bourdieu, habitus, critical discourse analysis, instytucja, tożsamość, prestiż, nowoczesność


Aim: The article focuses on the relation between the Prix Goncourt and the fi eld
of education, on the example of the Prix Goncourt des Lycéens, a type of litt le Prix
Goncourt awarded by high school students.
Methods: The departure point is to defi ne the Prix Goncourt as an institution. According
to the author’s defi nition it generates its own discourse, is a source of culturally
and socially signifi cant symbolic violence and fi nally has power. The author
mentions three dimensions of power: literary, economic and social. The analysis of
the relation under consideration is presented through the prism of Bourdieu’s theory
and embedded in the Critical Discourse Analysis perspective. This method allows one
to bett er comprehend the functioning of modern society, power relations within the
fields and across the fi elds, as well as what is at stake in this social game.

Results and conclusions: The Prix Goncourt interferes in the fi eld of education to
maintain its power: to ensure the readers, to confi rm the adequacy of some postures,
fi nally to justify its existence. Prix Goncourt des Lycéens seems to be a perfect tool by
which the Prix Goncourt can achieve its purpose. However, we observe a correlation
– the Prix Goncourt has an impact on the fi eld of education but, at the same time, it
depends on the French educational system. This system creates some cultural needs
such as, for example, taking part in literary life. Last, but not least, the Prix Goncourt
has to fi ght continuously for its high position in the fi eld.
Originality of subject: Even though in Poland the problem of literary awards has
been already described, no one published a wide analyse of the Prix Goncourt or the
Prix Goncourt des Lycéens. This article not only describes a literary phenomenon but
also puts it in the complicated context of modern society.


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Author Biography

Alicja Maria Chwieduk, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Ponznaiu, Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej

PhD student



How to Cite

Chwieduk, A.M. 2017. The power of literary award. Prix Goncourt and fi eld of education. Gardens of Science and Arts. 7, 7 (Jul. 2017), 149–158.