Modern management in public administration


  • Malwina Kostrzewska-Obertaniec Faculty of Political Science, Pedagogical University in Cracow ,ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland



zarządzanie, administracja publiczna, public relations, management, public administration, public relations


The purpose of this article is to attempt to find and find the best management model in Polish public administration.

The research was devoted to the satisfaction of customers and employees of the City of Krakow Office were carried out in nineteen service points of eleven faculties of the City of Krakow. The number of completed questionnaires is eight hundred thirty, consisted of ten closed questions, four open questions and six questions on the score sheet. The average duration of one study is six minutes. Overall, the study lasted two weeks.

The results indicated slight differences in the assessment of the employees and clients surveyed. The office is perceived well by the two groups participating in the survey, but the clients rate the aspects examined above than the employees.

The study shows that the internal environment of an organization needs efficient management and constant motivation to assess highly the organization in which the officials work. Customers are satisfied with the ongoing changes in the state administration.


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Author Biography

Malwina Kostrzewska-Obertaniec, Faculty of Political Science, Pedagogical University in Cracow ,ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland

PhD student


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How to Cite

Kostrzewska-Obertaniec, M. 2018. Modern management in public administration. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 405–412. DOI: