Secular education of women in the world of Islam.

Selected problems.


  • Agnieszka Sobieska Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland



islam, edukacja kobiet, dostęp do edukacji muzułmanek


Thesis. In modern world, access to education, for Muslim women is made more difficult, by influence of various factors including: religion, poverty, patriarchal and socio-political system of a state.

Discussed concepts. Article is an attempt to present current data on access to education for Muslim women, and to focus on factors that may restrict it. To substantiate Her conclusions, author uses numerous examples from the Muslim world.

 Author reviewed and analysed reports of international organizations, regarding the issue of access to women's education, which proved need of further research on this issue. The author came to the conclusion that the main cause of restricted access to education for Muslim women are not necessarily poverty and the illiteracy, but patriarchal system of the Muslim world and the religion itself. The author also pointed out that too little attention is being focused on the role of upper secondary education and teaching programs.

 The article presents latest data available and contemporary examples.

Key worlds: Islam, education of Muslims women


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Sobieska, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland

Expert in the lab of research on the Law of Orient at the Uniwersity of Wrocław


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How to Cite

Sobieska, A. 2018. Secular education of women in the world of Islam.: Selected problems. Gardens of Science and Arts. 8, (Jul. 2018), 101–111. DOI: