The influence of frustration on making risky decisions
Frustracja, Skłonność do zachowań ryzykownych, Wirtualna rzeczywistość.Abstract
Aim. This paper addresses the effect of frustration on hazardous behaviors, specifically whether inducing frustration can temporarily increase the tendency to engage in hazardous behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of frustration on hazardous behaviors.
Methods. Thirty-two subjects participated in the study, of which the requirements were met by 30 subjects (Mage=22.33, SD=2.70), including 15 males and 15 females. The participants were divided into two study groups: an experimental group, in which we induced the manipulation through VR, and a control group, in which this manipulation did not occur.
Results. Analysis of the data obtained showed that there was no difference in the tendency towards hazardous behavior between the study groups.
Conclusions. We were not able to clearly confirm our research hypothesis i.e.: that frustration increases the tendency towards hazardous behavior. In further research a larger study group should be assembled. This would allow analysis of the data collected with the age and gender of the subjects.
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