Modern IT solutions used in translation


  • Katarzyna Łyżwa Instytut językoznawstwa, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Polska



translation, IT sector, social inclusion


Aim. The aim of the research was to analyze modern IT solutions for language translation, including the limitations of these technologies and their usefulness in preventing social exclusion.

Materials and methods. The analysis was conducted using the document research method based on the literature on the subject, and professional articles available on the internet.

Results. Thanks to the development of computers, the internet and artificial intelligence, machine translation has become possible, in which devices independently convert texts from the output language to the target language. These tools work on the basis of neural networks and databases consisting of billions of words and phrases. In addition to text translation, most of them also provide voice translation and text-to-speech conversion. In addition to online translators, we also have electronic devices dedicated to the translation of voice messages. However, despite their undoubted usefulness, in the case of content carrying an emotional message (poems, fairy tales, songs), the rendering of human feelings and emotions is not available to them. Nor are translations free of grammatical and stylistic errors. They therefore require human checking, if only in the form of so-called post-editing.

Conclusions. Despite their limitations, these devices not only improve the work of translators, but also help the average user gain wide access to information and understanding of foreign language content.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Łyżwa, Instytut językoznawstwa, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Polska

Katarzyna Łyżwa Studentka lingwistyki stosowanej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim Jana Pawła II. Moje zainteresowania to narzędzia i programy wykorzystywane do tłumaczeń ustnych i pisemnych; lingwistyka porównawcza, transferencja a interferencja językowa, transpozycja oraz hobbystycznie rękodzieło artystyczne.


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How to Cite

Łyżwa, K. 2022. Modern IT solutions used in translation. Gardens of Science and Arts. 12, 12 (Aug. 2022), 219–226. DOI: