A hope for freedom — the underground activity of Władysław Musialik a.k.a. "Bolesław" (1913-1996)


  • Alicja Adamus Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie




Conspiracy, Home Army, Polish Underground State, Cursed Soldiers


Aim. The present article is an attempt to show the hardship and magnitude of risk experienced on a daily basis by people working for the restoration of the independence of Poland, by presenting a biographical profile of Władysław Musialik a.k.a. "Bolesław", with particular emphasis on his activities concerning independence in the ranks of the Polish Underground State. Moreover, the aim of the article is to show the position of distinguished underground activists in which they found themselves after the end of military operations in 1945.

Concept. The author presents the fate of Musialik a.k.a. "Bolesław", focusing mainly on his underground activity, which began in September 1939 and lasted until 1947. The most important diversionary and intelligence actions in which the main character of the present dissertation participated, or of which he was the initiator, are also mentioned.

Results and conclusions. By learning the life story of Musialik and the soldiers under his command, one can observe the reality of life during the occupation, the hardship of decisions made, and the responsibility resting on the shoulders of the soldiers of the Polish Underground State. The picture of occupied Poland presented by the author also shows the internal struggle and dilemma of the Home Army soldiers, who in 1945 were called upon to make themselves known. The result of these internal dilemmas was remaining in the underground despite the official end of hostilities.

Cognitive value. The highest cognitive value of the article is constituted by the archival sources, unused so far, which introduce new, previously unknown facts from the life of Musialik a.k.a. "Bolesław". Thanks to them, the biography of a historically significant individual has been supplemented and may be considered complete. Moreover, these materials are a testimony to the history presented directly by Musialik, who, while applying for membership in the World Association of Home Army Soldiers, District of Czestochowa, wrote down his life story, which mainly includes his underground activities.


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Author Biography

Alicja Adamus, Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie

PhD student at Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Sciences in Częstochowa, employee of National Archive in Częstochowa as senior archivist. Main interests oscillate around the history of 20th century Poland, in particular the history of the Polish Underground State and underground organizations active during the Second World War. 




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How to Cite

Adamus, A. 2022. A hope for freedom — the underground activity of Władysław Musialik a.k.a. "Bolesław" (1913-1996). Gardens of Science and Arts. 12, 12 (Aug. 2022), 69–80. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15503/onis2022.69.80.