The fad for fit-culture - between individuality and universality in contemporary culture


  • Roksana Agnieszka Pilawska Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych, Uniwersyetet Wrocławski



współczesna kultura popularna, tożsamość jednostki, styl życia


Aim: In the article below I tried to show that contemporary popular culture understood as a space of everyday life, becomes a specific plane of activity - allowing for hybrid and coherent combination of what is individual with what is common or even mass. My goal – and at the same time the most important question around which I will concentrate my considerations – is the specificity of mutual relations between the "economization" of selected elements of culture and shaping the awareness of recipients and the creation of new, socially valid patterns of the functioning of the individual in the socio-cultural space.

Methods. In the introduction to the article, I recalled the modern understanding of popular culture from the perspective of cultural studies – as a space constructing the identity of individuals. Next, refer to the thoughts of ZbyszkoMelosik, I am progressing to characterize the effects and consequences of the processes of macdonaldization and disneization in contemporary culture. Finally, to sum up the concept of Carl Cederstrom and Andre Spicer, I constructed my own concept of Fit-Consumers and referred them to the foundation of coaching and positive psychology.

Results. The examples of selected cultural phenomena and concepts that I have presented point to a certain external obligation and necessity to make choices that were supposed to testify to the individuality and freedom of individuals.

Conclusions. Interpreting and analyzing selected cultural phenomena, I wanted to show that answering the question - whether it is man today creates culture or culture shapes man - is not only impossible but also necessary. The essence should be striving for people connected with the subject of popular culture (pedagogues, andragologists, culture scholars etc.) through practical action or constructing apt, theoretical questions, support the creation of the ability to critically interpret elements of culture and give meaning to current and future broadcasters-recipients

Key words: contemporary popular culture, individual identity, lifestyle


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How to Cite

Pilawska, R.A. 2020. The fad for fit-culture - between individuality and universality in contemporary culture. Gardens of Science and Arts. 10, (Jul. 2020), 23–35. DOI: