New agendas of consumer socialization in the educational process


  • Wiktoria Morawska



education, upbringing, consumption, children's marketing, identity, globalization, new media, modern family, allocation


Thesis. The aim of the article is to present the impact of mega and macro-levels on the formation of new consumer socialization agendas in the educational process. The article is an attempt to explain the assumption that today the educational process is associated not only with changes in values or changes in defining the family, but also protests in the automotive industry in the 1930s, production allocation, marketing, globalization, consumerism, development of new media and the transformation in Poland. 

Concepts discussed. The analysis combines the theories on the issues of broadly understood consumption, including the theory of The consumer society by Zygmunt Bauman, or the branding of the nation by James McNeal with several approaches to social changes and globalization in the 20th and 21st centuries, among which the Beverly Silver’s thesis was crucial. 

Results and conclusions. The article draws attention to the issue of com modification of the individual and the "market game" associated with the success and social promotion of a family mediated by child development - "the most expensive investment".

The cognitive value of the approach. The most important value is the original, not undertaken so far, perspective of analyzing the educational process of a modern child: not only in the context of a family, environment and consumption, but also the processes of change in the work organization and organization. The adopted imperative results from the belief that contemporary reality requires not only psychological analysis from the perspective of the individual or sociological analysis of the group and the education system, but problems taking place at the international level, adopting Samuel Huntington's thesis on the consolidation of the world economy.


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How to Cite

Morawska, W. 2020. New agendas of consumer socialization in the educational process. Gardens of Science and Arts. 10, (Jul. 2020), 43–50. DOI: