Museum education in Upper Silesian museums - case studies


  • Michał Cieślak Akdemia Ignatianum w Krakowie ul. Kopernika 26 31-501 Kraków


muzeum, edukacja muzealna, lekcja muzealna, podstawa programowa, kultura


Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to analyze the educational off erings
of chosen museums for the existing core curriculum. In addition, my intention is to
att empt to answer the question, what is museum’s education and refl ection on the
function that museum’s education fulfi lls in contemporary museums and culture.
Methodology. The subject of the study is the educational off er of four museums
in Upper Silesia placed on their websites. I have analyzed 119 proposals of museum
lessons, of which I have chosen 21 examples, which are described in this article. In my
research I have compared the current core curriculum for primary, middle and secondary
schools with an educational off er of chosen museums.
Results. Based on the analysis of educational off er of chosen Upper Silesia museums
should be stated, that they have an extensive educational off er, both temporary
and permanent. Museums proposals in varying degrees correspond to the core curriculum
and the goals posed by the regional education to educational institutions and
centers of culture.

Conclusions. Analyzed off er of chosen Upper Silesia museums shows the diversity
of the educational off er that goes beyond the core curriculum. At the same time,
proposals for topics corresponding to the core curriculum concern similar issues in all
the surveyed museums. In att ached descriptions of educational proposals posted on
websites there is no information whether the lesson implements the core curriculum.
A study showing in various museums, how the number of participants in educational
activities is in relation to the overall turnout in museum, should be carry out. The
results of such statistical surveys could prove to increasing educational functions of
museums and help in the development of this fi eld of museology, which is museum’s


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Author Biography

Michał Cieślak, Akdemia Ignatianum w Krakowie ul. Kopernika 26 31-501 Kraków

PhD student



How to Cite

Cieślak, M. 2017. Museum education in Upper Silesian museums - case studies. Gardens of Science and Arts. 7, 7 (Jul. 2017), 300–312.