An att itude towards making psychological tools available


  • Wojciech Julian Oronowicz Jagiellonian University, Institute of Psychology
  • Barbara Kostecka Jagiellonian University, Institute of Psychology


Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to present the att itude of the psychology
students to sharing psychological tests with other professionals.
Method. A survey on paper and in an online form was conducted. The survey
consisted of 17 statements concerning att itude towards sharing psychological tests
and students’ knowledge on the current regulations in the fi eld. Three questions were
taken from a study by Jaworowska (2009), which concerned the opinion of psychologists
on a similar subject.. The study group consisted of 86 students of psychology
of the Jagiellonian University. Selected results were compared with the results of the
study by Jaworowska (2009).
Results. The participants agreed on the fact that only qualifi ed psychologists
should be permitt ed to use psychological tests, however, our study group tended to be
more liberal than the psychologists (d=0.29). A change in beliefs between study years
was seen – the higher the year, the more conservative the att itude towards sharing
psychological tests with professional groups other than psychologists.

Limitations of the study. The study was conducted on psychology students of
only one university. It is therefore possible that the results are indirectly related to the
curriculum of the Jagiellonian University.
Conclusions. Psychology students have a slightly more liberal att itude towards
sharing psychological tests with non-psychologists than the psychologists. It must be
however underlined that their att itude is still rather negetive – the students believe
that psychological tools should be available to psychologists only. The infl uence of the
time of education is seen.


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Author Biographies

Wojciech Julian Oronowicz, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Psychology

PhD student

Barbara Kostecka, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Psychology



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How to Cite

Oronowicz, W.J. and Kostecka, B. 2017. An att itude towards making psychological tools available. Gardens of Science and Arts. 7, 7 (Jul. 2017), 117–126.