About the Journal

ISSN 2084-1426


Focus and Scope

“Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk” is a multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary Internet journal, which aims at promoting young scholar talents from the field of the so-called Geisteswissenschften, i.e. humanistic and social sciences, especially those functioning within the subfields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, history of education, philosophy and economy. We prefer articles relating thematically to education and teaching as the aim is to make educational issues a reason for a wider interdisciplinary scholarly discussion.
“Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk” is published once a year - after the spring semester - and it comprises scientific debuts from the previous year. The journal was established to support young and talented students, PhD students, and adjuncts who do not find place for themselves within the realm of the already established disciplines, do not have the possibility of sharing their research results in the current scientific press and who are not convinced of the value of their scholarly work and wish to subject themselves to evaluation external to their closest working environment.
Authors can submit articles to one of the five sections. The final decision regarding the publication of an article in the given section is made by the editor-in-chief.

In the Ethics section, we publish articles relating to the law, history, philosophy, and pedagogy, exploring the issues regarding the ethics and organisation of education.

In the Transgression section, we publish articles focusing on the effects of educational, cultural, and social changes.

The Experience section comprises articles putting emphasis on the description and analysis of phenomenon.

In the Dynamics section, we publish articles emphasising the change itself, without concentrating on the results of the change.

The Expression section usually comprises articles relating to artistic activities and the fields of literary, art, and cultural studies. It creates space for the presentation of artistic schools, specific nature of art activities and the role of the given pieces of art in the shaping of the culture.


Peer Review Process

The following persons are involved in the process of the review:

- section editors, who preliminary assess the value of the submitted text and proofread the formal aspects thereof (footnotes, abstract, keywords, affiliation, authors titles);

- linguistic editors, who assess the quality and correctness of the Polish text;

- internal reviewers, appointed by the editorial team, who assess the value of the text;

- external reviewers, appointed by the editor-in-chief or his consultants, who assess the value of the text and the validity of the research methods.

Reviewers are usually persons who co-operate with the journal on long-term basis.


  • The submitted file must be editable in the following programmes: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF
  • The text 1.5 uses lines of spacing; the font is 12 pt type; there are no underlined parts in the texts nor does the text use small caps; tables and figures are all titled and described, and the source thereof is provided
  • There is a structured abstract
  • The title, abstract and key words are provided in both Polish and English; the English language version has been proofread by a native speaker, a translator, or an English studies alumnus
  • The footnotes and references follow the APA style (in case of any doubts, please see the last published issue of the journal)
  • All authors of an article are registered in the system and agree to the publication of their necessary data (name, surname, affiliation, e-mail address, ORCID address, bio note) on the journal’s website as well as in print along with article on the CC-BY licence.


Before submitting a text, please send an e-mail to the editor-in-chief in order to register in the system: aleksander.kobylarek@gmail.com


Review Guidelines


In their assessment, the reviewers take into consideration the following:

  1. The significance of the raised issues
  2. The validation of the conclusions
  3. The correspondence between the length of the text and raised issues
  4. Formal features of the text (comprehensibility, grammar, description of graphs and tables, references)

Every reviewer is allowed to apply additional criteria in the assessment of the text; however, it needs to be clearly indicated why a given text cannot be published and what needs to be changed in order to publish the text. Review conclusion or the complete review form is sent to the authors by their editors.


Publication ethics and malpractice statement


1. Publication and authorship:
All authors of works submitted to the "Journal of Education Culture and Society" for publication must confirm that they are original articles and that the work submitted represents their authors’ original contribution and has not been copied or plagiarised from other works, either in whole or in part.  Section Editors should take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the material they publish and to detect potential plagiarism
All articles submitted to the "Journal of Education Culture and Society" must be accompanied by a list of references to all works quoted within the article. The author must acknowledge and cite content reproduced from other sources, and obtain permission to reproduce any content from other sources
Information on financial or other support during the realization of the resaearch must be provided, including the role of the funders in the research. The author must declare any potential conflicts of interest (e.g. where the author has a competing interest (real or apparent) that could be considered or viewed as exerting an undue influence on his or her duties at any stage during the publication process).
The "Journal of Education Culture and Society" accepts only original, previously unpublished material. The author must confirm that the manuscript as submitted is not under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere.
2. Author's responsibilities:
All authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process; every text will be submitted to double blind review. 
All authors must provide information on all co-workers  and collaborators who have participated in the research 
All authors are required to provide a statement that all data in the article are genuine and authentic.
All authors are obliged to keep in constant contact with the editors regarding the article's content, and to implement any corrections or retractions as may be required.
3. Peer review and  reviewers' responsibilities :
The"Journal of Education Culture and Society"  is committed to objective and fair peer review (double blind) of articles submitted for publication and to prevent any actual or potential conflict of interests between the editorial and review personnel and the reviewed material. Reviewers should contribute to the decision-making process, and to assist in improving the quality of the published paper by reviewing the manuscript objectively.
Reviewers should be aware of any potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative or other relationships between the reviewer and author) and to alert the editor to these, if necessary withdrawing their services for that manuscript. 
Reviewers should draw attention to any rerlevant published work which has not been included in the article under review.
Reviewers are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of any information supplied by the editor or author, and not to retain or copy the manuscript.
4. Editorial responsibilities:
Editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication are based only on the paper’s importance, originality, and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the remit of the journal.
The Chief Editor accepts only a paper when he is reasonably certain of its validity, and in the case of errors being found, promotes then publication of corrections or retraction.
Editor uses own systems to ensure that peer reviewers’ identities are protected (double blind review) and that material submitted to their journal remains confidential while under review.
5. Publishing ethics issues
The monitoring and safeguarding  of publishing ethics is the responsibility of the editorial board, and particularly the Chief Editor, who in Polish law is legally  responsible for every published article. 
Guidelines for retracting articles.
When one of the reviewers  questions  the validity of an article, the author will have an appropriate period of time to carry out any required corrections (usually 1-2 weeks). In the case of an article being rejected by one of the reviewers, the editorial board will send to the author the final decision and the contents of the review(s)
The editorial board strives to maintain the integrity of the academic record by publishing the "Journal of Education Culture and Society" regulary without delays.  
The editorial board is free from commercial and business interests which may  compromise intellectual and ethical standards, and the publisher is strictly independent and devoted solely to the promotion of science.
The publisher  always is  willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.  
The publisher is responsible for ensuring that no cases of plagiarism or fraudulent appear in published works.

Ghostwriting firewall

There is an obligation to indicate all persons responsible for the preparation and publication of texts sent for publication of the following procedure. This includes co-authors and coworkers supporting the process of research for the article with money, knowledge or skills.



The highest percentage of the authors of the articles representing the same institution (University of Wrocław)   in 2017- 36% and in 2018 is 28%