

Słowa kluczowe:

humility, Saint Paul, spiritual autobiography, revelation, third heaven


Aim/Thesis. In this  inquiry, the author  examines the  12th chapter of the 2nd letter of Paul  to the Corinthians in a hermeneutical way, highlighting its relevance for a Christian's spiritual autobiography  and emphasizing the influence  it has had on the later development of the genre.

Concept/Methods.  Using patristic exegesis (like that of Saint Chrysostom)t and also that of more recent authors dedicated to this theme, he tries not only to present and explain the event, but also to offer new interpretive keys for  reading it.

 Results and conclusion. The approach focuses on keywords and phrases like "the rapture", "glimpse" or "thorn in the flesh" and it tries to presents Paul's understanding of the link between the spiritual experience of encountering  God and the suffering that follows it, as a useful  means of humbling a person. The research also highlights some important examples that show how the Apostle influenced the style and the way of thinking of later authors like Saint Augustine or Saint Silouan from Mount Athos.

Originality/Cognitive value. The relevance of showing why Saint Paul's second letter to Corinthians (12, 2-) represents the beginning of the spiritual autobiography in the Christian space is a very big one due to the fact it can helps the reader to have a deeper understanding of latter spiritual autobiographies like the one of Saint Siluan, father John of Kronstadt, Teresa of Calcutta or Maria Faustina Kowalska.



Biogram autora

Iuliu-Marius Morariu - Faculty of Orthodox Theology, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Rev. Iuliu-Marius Morariu (hieromonk Maxim) is a PhD. Candidate ad "Babeş-Bolyai" University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Associate Researcher at Department of Dogmatics, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Pretoria University (South Africa). He graduated Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Faculty of History and Philosophy from "Babeş-Bolyai" University and Master in both of them. He also graduated Bossey Ecumenical Institute, affiliated to World Council of Churches and University of Geneva. He published 17 books of history and theology in Romania and abroad and more than 250 studies, articles and reviews (14th covered Web of Science). He participated with lectures at more than 100 conferences and symposiums from Romania and abroad. 


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Jak cytować

Morariu, I.-M. (2020). THE BEGINNINGS OF SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY - 2 CORINTHIANS 12, 2-5 : A HERMENEUTICAL APPROACH. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 11(1), 42–49.