The interdisciplinarity and innovativeness of methods in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy



Słowa kluczowe:

rehabilitation methods, cerebral palsy, disability care


Thesis. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders resulting from damage to the central nervous system in the early stages of its development. The aim of the rehabilitation of persons with CP is to make their dependence on the assistance of others as little as possible and to improve their quality of life, as well as the quality of life of their families. New methods are developed in which new technologies are employed and a holistic approach to the patient, requiring the cooperation of specialists in various fields, is assumed.

            The most commonly used methods of working with children with cerebral palsy include the NDT-Bobath method and the Vojta method. Apart from them unconventional methods are also employed, including hippotherapy, virtual reality, the sensory integration method, the conductive education method, and the space suit method.

Aim of the paper. The aim of the paper is to present the methods employed in increasing the agility of children with cerebral palsy. Focus has been placed on traditional and commonly used methods, as well as the unconventional methods which are currently undergoing evaluation.

Results. Thanks to diversifying rehabilitation with new methods and enriching it with the experience of specialists in areas outside medicine patients with cerebral palsy are able to fully benefit from their own potential. Quality of life is improved, independence is increased, and new opportunities are discovered. Some of the newest methods may serve to supplement traditional therapies, others can substitute for them in the future. What is crucial is to focus not only on heightening the physical agility of the patients, but also to make the course of the therapy more attractive, and to work on improving the patients’ functioning in other areas of life, as well, such as social contacts or hobbies.



Biogramy autorów

Luba Jakubowska - Department of Promotion of Health Faculty of Health Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University Barta 5, 51-618 Wrocław

Dr. Luba Jakubowska is a psychologist and a pedagogue. She specialises in methodology of research in social sciences. In the recent years she has devoted particular attention to research with the use of the Internet. She is the founder and the editor of the “e-methodology” journal. Furthermore, she is a member of editorial boards of 4 scientific journals, including 3 of international impact. The subjects to which L. Jakubowska pays particular attention are identity and image, and in the recent years she has conducted research into the significance of computer-mediated communication in self-presentation. Luba Jakubowska conducts methodology workshops, also in organisations outside Poland (Paris, Lviv). What is more, L. Jakubowska is the author of nearly 30 academic papers, coordinator and participant of educational and research projects, and the organiser and co-organiser of numerous academic conferences. She is the main organiser of the international academic conference “e-methodology”, which was held for the fourth time in 2018.

Magdalena Kazimierska-Zając - Department of Disorders of the Nervous System, Faculty of Health Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University Barta 5, 51-618 Wrocław

PhD of Health Science, speech therapist, an employee of the Medical University of Wroclaw - Department of Nervous System Diseases. She is interested in neurological diseases and in the use of new technologies in speech therapy and rehabilitation.

Karolina Nowak - Medical University of Warsaw

Karolina Nowak is studying physiotherapy at Medical University of Warsaw. She specialises in child's neurological conditions physiotherapy.



Jak cytować

Jakubowska, L., Kazimierska-Zając, M., & Nowak, K. (2019). The interdisciplinarity and innovativeness of methods in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 10(1), 125–135.