Self(ie)-esteem? – A manifestation of adolescent self-creating endeavours in the virtual space of Facebook


  • Lili Fejes-Vékássy Péter Pázmány Catholic University


Słowa kluczowe:

Selfie, Self-esteem, Adolescence, Social media, Facebook


In the centre of our interest stand the manifestations of adolescent self-creating endeavours in the virtual space of the social media portal called Facebook. Frequent self-photography (selfie) making, as a pronounced cultural feature of contemporary youth, and regular activity on Facebook handled as tightly connected factors; we propose that youngsters, bearing these attributes, have a different self-esteem than those adolescents who rarely or never take any photographs of themselves. In the first, quantitative part of our research the participants (N=80) filled in the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and a questionnaire containing questions in connection with Facebook-usage (compiled by us). In the qualitative part of the research the participants took part in a half-structured interview, containing questions in connection with selfie­-making (also compiled by us). Our hypothesis was not proven by the statistical analysis, no connection could be testified between frequent selfie-making and low self-esteem.

Keywords: selfie, self-esteem, adolescence, social media, Facebook



Biogram autora

Lili Fejes-Vékássy - Péter Pázmány Catholic University

PhD student

scientific interests: social psychology


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Jak cytować

Fejes-Vékássy, L. (2017). Self(ie)-esteem? – A manifestation of adolescent self-creating endeavours in the virtual space of Facebook. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8(2), 221–227.