The Sovietisation of Romania, 1946-1948 – the first two years behind the curtain of propaganda


  • Cristian Alexandru Groza Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, Bd. Regina Elisabeta 4-12 Sector 5, postal code 030018, Bucharest


Słowa kluczowe:

The Great Romanian Hunger, communism, royalty, indoctrination, iron curtain


Dogmatic discourse and institutionalized control build a totalitarian state on two main pillars: propaganda and indoctrination. Our study analyzes the phenomena of cultural mimesis and ideological transplantation inside the Romanian communist system. The periphery and centre represent concepts that help us in the process of constructing our cultural theory about the propaganda system and its evolution during the years before the abolition of the monarchy, 1946-1947. The study is based mainly on archive documents. Therefore, we followed up the chronological paths in which the propaganda was used as an external weapon, and also as an internal indoctrination.



Biogram autora

Cristian Alexandru Groza - Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, Bd. Regina Elisabeta 4-12 Sector 5, postal code 030018, Bucharest


scientific interests: modern history


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Jak cytować

Groza, C. A. (2016). The Sovietisation of Romania, 1946-1948 – the first two years behind the curtain of propaganda. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(2), 364–376.

