Poetical patterns in Nichita Stănescu’s poems


  • Alina Roiniță Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest,Strada Edgar Quinet, numărul 5–7, sector 1,postal code 010017



Słowa kluczowe:

accumulation, progression, transitive value, pattern, Nichita Stănescu, Groupe μ, triadic


Through our study we have established a potential pattern of analysis over the aspect of poetical language. The theme was determined by the purpose of implementing the particular linguistic model created by N. Stănescu, which we call the nichitastănescu pattern. We exemplified the model by identifying the compositional values and the structures that contribute to the creation of a linguistic frame built to measure the main semantics, through which the poetical language is internalized and aestheticized. We also use a specific poetical construction model based on the triadic analysis pattern proposed by the French semiotics group entitled Groupe  μ, in their collective work Rhétorique de la poésie: lecture linéaire, lecture tabulaire, published in 1977.

                The value of this study consists in a detailed view over the textual dimensions of expressiveness and significations in the poetical language used by Nichita Stănescu. Throughout his lyrics, the named poet reveals the uniqueness of his specific poetical language in contrast with other Romanian poets.



Biogram autora

Alina Roiniță - Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest,Strada Edgar Quinet, numărul 5–7, sector 1,postal code 010017


scientific interests: linguistics


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Jak cytować

Roiniță, A. (2016). Poetical patterns in Nichita Stănescu’s poems. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(2), 316–327. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20162.316.327