
  • Jiří Čeněk Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University, Zemědělská 1, Brno
  • Martin Hrabálek Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University, Zemědělská 1, Brno


acculturation, adaptation, adjustment, cultural shock, culture


This article relates to the process of adaptation of Czech citizens to Turkish culture. The article explores the perception of Turkish culture by Czech citizens, problems they encounter in the Turkish society and the ways of their adjustment to the host culture. The empirical research on 10 Czech citizens was conducted using the method of semi-structured interviews. The article addresses the most important issues connected with the process of cultural adaptation.


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Author Biographies

Jiří Čeněk, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University, Zemědělská 1, Brno

Acquired Master degree in Psychology (Mgr.) in 2010 and second Master degree (Ing.) in Economy and Management in 2013. He recieved his Ph.D. from Social Psychology in 2017 at Masaryk University in Brno. His scientific interests are cross-cultural differences in basic psychological processes, cultural adaptation and statistical validation of psychological tests and diagnostic tools.

Martin Hrabálek, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University, Zemědělská 1, Brno

assisting professor at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies of Mendel University. He also gives externall lectures


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How to Cite

Čeněk, J., & Hrabálek, M. (2016). CULTURAL ADAPTATION OF CZECH CITIZENS IN THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(2), 111–127. Retrieved from