Role of Technology in Promoting Peace


  • Kiran Kumari Asst Professor
  • Gargi Bhardwaj R.C.Institute of Technology, Gopal Nagar Extension, Najafgarh, Delhi, India

Słowa kluczowe:

Keywords: Reality, Positivity, Protection of Human Rights, Disaster Management, Remedies


Technology in itself has a very broad meaning. From wheel to the latest launched satellite, all comes under the development of technology for the peace of world. It has tremendous power to revolutionize the whole world and making it peaceful to live in. It has made our lives comfortable and easier in one or the other way by integrating us nationally and internationally. In today’s scenario, our lives have become so complicated that we have to take its help in making our lives harmonious. It has wide application in developing peace worldwide. So, it is the duty of every single citizen of the nation to use it in the best possible ways for the betterment of human race. Though, we cannot deny the multiple harms of using technology but still we can try to minimise its affects and can use in the best possible ways for promoting peace. We have discussed ‘Role of Technology in promoting peace’. Instead of using Technology for violence, it should be used to promote peace. In this paper it has been discussed that what are the different areas where we can use technology for developing peace? What are the different ways that should be opted for promoting peace through it. ICT acts as an important tool to achieve the aim of developing harmony among individuals as well as with the society.. ICT can be used for identifying various problems related to environment through early warning systems, promoting their peaceful solution, supporting humanitarian actions, including protection of beings and assisting post conflict peace building and reconstruction. This paper is a comprehensive study of the crucial role of technology in developing and promoting peace.

Keywords: Reality, positivity, protection of human rights, disaster management, remedies



