The creative potential of the elderly through an example of grand masters


  • Maria Straś-Romanowska Faculty of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Dawida 1, Wroclaw

Słowa kluczowe:

elderly, creative activity, openness to Transcendence, melancholy


This article presents characteristics of the selected aspects of the creative potential in older persons. In addition to  specific aptitudes or gifts, cognitive qualities such as intelligence, knowledge and experience have been indicated as  the components of creative potential. Furthermore, the importance of a developed lifestyle at earlier stages of life has been highlighted,  along with the attitude towards one’s  aging, spiritual sensibility and motivation for  creative work. An attempt has been made to illustrate distinguishing characteristics of works by outstanding creators in the latter parts of  their lives. More often than not, critics cited the following characteristics of creative persons: individualism, inclination towards harkening back to the past, melancholic spirits and thought orientation regarding transcendent reality



Biogram autora

Maria Straś-Romanowska - Faculty of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Dawida 1, Wroclaw

PhD, professor

scientific interests: late adulthood, biography, qualitative research


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Jak cytować

Straś-Romanowska, M. (2016). The creative potential of the elderly through an example of grand masters. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(1), 135–143. Pobrano z